The student will be evaluated on their clinical level and then be given tasks according to the level shown. If capable of performing simple type laceration closure and drain placement, then the student will be given more surgical freedom and allowed to perform basic spay and neuter procedures. Taking advantage of the externship experience to shadow the DVM in exam rooms and if shows clical and verbal skills, for the DVM to shadow the student.
Town and Country Vet Hosp is a very busy small animal Hospital with 2 full time veterinarians and a staff of 12 with 2 registered vet techs and mutiple vet assitants. Equipped with a full Idexx lab, Digital Radigraphy, Endoscope, Ultrasound, Orthopedic and Soft Tissue Surgical Suite, Theraputic Laser, CO2 40 watt Surgical Laser, and Basic Dental Capabilities.
The student will be expected to be present during all open buiness hours, which include 8am-12pm and 2pm-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-12pm on Saturday. When present at the offce, the student will be expected to be shadowing one of the Drs or the Vet Techs.
Housing is offered by TCVH, but the student that is applying for the Extership (Clay Hartzoge) will be able to stay with family when here in Midland. The housing offered by TCVH has been the spare rooom at Dr Hartzoge's house at no cost. No pets