Universidad Nacional de Loja, ECUADOR

Description of Elective Experience: 

This externship takes place in the southern part of Ecuador, a city called Loja. This is one of the top Universities and one of the few that offer Veterinary Medicine throughout the whole country. The faculty, staff and students are great with hands on learning and teaching, plus a wide variety of animal practice (small, large and exotics). UNL has their own farm in the northern parts of the city, where you will see first hand production of milk, yogurt, cheese, marmalades, ham and sausages, an experience that is once in a lifetime. In the humble teaching hospital you will learn to be efficient and effective with resources around you. Lastly, the Labs are open to those interested in pathology, histopathology and cytology; with diseases and slides only seen in remote parts of the world. Alongside the amazing experience and education you get rich ecuadorian culture and cuisine throughout the year. Once your days ends at the University, your life in the city begins. 

Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?: 

You work alongside with the dean and faculty on scheduling our times and what rotations you would prefer to work in (Farm, Hospital, Lab). Days and time can vary. 

Student Housing (include costs, amenities, pet friendly, contact info if different from elective contact info): 

There is a variety of affordable places around the city with amazing views and hospitality. 

Rodrigo Abad
Contact email: 
Av. Pío Jaramillo Alvarado y Reinaldo Espinosa Loja
110103 Loja
Is student housing available?: 