Exposure to daily dairy activities specifically related to rumination data collection/application and gaining experience with fresh and vitrified bovine embryo sorting and transfer.
den Dulk dairy is a 3200 head jersey dairy. It is comprised of two locations in close proximity. The first site uses 10 lely robots built in 2014. The second is a conventional herringbone parlor. The dairy was started in 1996. In 2015 we started an extensive genetic and embryo transfer program both here and with our partner farms in the Midwest. Veterinarians that have worked for or with den Dulk dairy are: Dr. Mike Mccloskey, Dr. Paul Busman, Dr. Walt Guterbock, Dr. Gordy Jones, Dr. Andres Contreras, Dr. Tom Sarosy Dr. Nial O'boyle, and Dr. Garth Cummings
-full days Monday through Friday half days on Saturday
-implementation of rumination technologies at den Dulk dairy
-working along side ET techs both at den Dulk Dairy and our partner farms in west Michigan
-guest house at no cost to student