Description of Elective Experience:
Student will be exposed to a busy mixed animal practice. Clinics are a mix of 50% large and 50% small. The student will have the ability to choose daily what they would like to see and do.
Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.:
Our clinics consist of seven experienced veterinarians in three locations. Each location is equipped with ultrasound, blood analyzers, and either CR or DR xray.
Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?:
Student would be expected to be present during regular business hours (8-5 M-F 8-12 Sat). Student would have the opportunity to be present on any emergencies and after hour calls. The student based on skill and knowledge level would have the opportunity to perform and or assist with any procedures they are comfortable with.
Matt Parker
Contact email:
7250 Cull Rd
Worthville, KY 41098
United StatesPractice or Institution Type:
Is student housing available?:
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week:
Global engagement opportunity: