House Vets for House Pets and Rover the Rhine, OH

Description of Elective Experience: 

The student will gain hands on experience with veterinary medical skills commonly practiced in a small animal practice. Under the supervising veterinarian the student will prepare treatment plans and wellness strategies for small animal patients.  The student will also be exposed to and particpate in small animal wellness and sick appointments where the student will particpate in client discussions that help the pet owner make financial and medical decisions for their pet. The art of discussion in getting client approval on critical laboratory diagmnostic testing will be a prt of the experience. In addition, the student will interpret diagnostic testing and prepare a summary to be shared with the pet owner. Lastly the student will assist in surgical procedures that present themselves during the Elective Experience. Embedded in all of the experience, the student will gain awareness to the business side of managing a small animal veterinary practice.

Kamaria Maseru-Catalan, DVM
Contact email: 
8240 Beechmont Ave
908 Race street
Cincinnati, OH 45255
United States
Animal Type: 
Practice or Institution Type: 
Is student housing available?: 
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week: