Description of Elective Experience:
The student will participate daily in necropsy, biopsy or ZEAPS services and at the end of the elective shall be able to
- Perform all aspects of a necropsy, including gross evaluation, tissue trimming for processing, histopathology, and correlation of pathologic findings with history, clinical questions and ancillary testing, to formulate a final diagnosis.
- Perform all aspects of a biopsy, including tissue trimming for processing, histopathology, and correlation of pathologic findings with history and clinical questions, to formulate a final diagnosis.
- Synthesize and communicate findings in a written format.
The student will participate in anatomic pathology residency training functions.
The student will develop scientific writing skills
Institutional and Educational Resources - staffing, equipment, etc.:
Necropsy, biopsy, and Zoo/exotics pathology services staffed by 14 anatomic pathologists and 9 anatomic pathology residents
Student Responsibilities - what is expected of students in terms of hours, days of the week, shadowing or actual support?:
1) One week each of necropsy and biopsy duty including cutting in tissues, reading slides, and writing reports
2) Student must complete two final reports and either prepare a manuscript or produce two gross reviews
3) Student will participate in any resident functions (e.g. any courses, rounds, journal club, etc.).
Elizabeth Howerth
Contact email:
Dept of Pathology, College of Vet Med, DW Brooks Dr, Un of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
United StatesSpecialties:
Animal Type:
Practice or Institution Type:
Is student housing available?:
Hours of supervision by a licensed veterinarian per week:
40 hrs