The student will initially shadow Veterinarians during regular appointments and surgeries and as they gain experience and comfort, may start to perform more exams, diagnostics, and assist with surgeries.
We have a staff of 4 Veterinarians, 9 technicians/assistants and 3 receptionists. We have 5 exam rooms, soft tissue surgical suite, dental suite equipped with digital radiography, endoscopy unit, therapeutic laser, digital radiography and ultrasound machine.
We are expecting them to be at the clinic for two full work weeks (36-40 hours) and can discuss further which days/hours work best for them. Initially they will shadow different Vets at the clinic to get a feel for the flow of the clinic and different styles of communication/medicine and will be consulted on cases and assist with diagnostics. Once they are more comfortable, they may take more responsibility of the communication/direction of a case but still be working very closely with a Veterinarian. If everyone feels comfortable, they may assist with some surgeries. Medical records will be done by the primary Veterinarian.
I discussed with the student about potentially staying with a staff member but nothing is set up yet/confirmed.