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Description of Elective Experience:

Dynamic medical director, visionary, and innovator responsible for leading a team of over 40 professionals and paraprofessionals to provide exceptional medical care to our patients and customer relations to our clients.

Description of Elective Experience:

Westwood Animal Hospital, a 12 vet mixed animal veterinary practice in Staunton. Our 43-year established practice has modern, well-equipped, large and small animal facilities with an experienced staff of 42, including seven licensed veterinary technicians.

Students have the option to ride-along with our ambulatory large animal veterinarians, or observe our veterinarians in our small animal hospital. We perform routine surgeries in both small and large animal. We have the luxury of having 12 veterinarians to mentor students.


Description of Elective Experience:

The purpose of the  ASPCA NYC Forensic Sciences Externship is to provide third and fourth year veterinary students and veterinary internship and residency candidates with an opportunity to observe veterinary forensic medicine and the veterinary role in the management of animal cruelty cases.  Prior to January 1, 2014 the majority of animal cruelty complaints in New York City were made to ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement.  As of January 1, 2014 all animal cruelty complaints in New York City go to the New York Police Department.  This is an historic change.  The largest urban police force (34,000 uniformed police officers) in the United States now responds to complaints of animal cruelty 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. In the first year of the partnership, nearly 425 animals were rescued by NYPD and brought to the ASPCA. In 2015, 701 animals were rescued by NYPD and brought to the ASPCA. In 2015, greater than 1,000 animals were rescued by NYPD and brought to the ASPCA. Because animals are so significantly integrated into our society it is appropriate and necessary for local police departments to be responding to complaints of animal abuse.  This will be a model for the country.

Description of Elective Experience:

9 Veterinarians (6= main clinic, 3 =Satellite clinic [Valley Division])

Main clinic is hospital an ambulatory located just outside of Charlottesville, VA.

Valley Division is solely ambulatory and located about 45 miles west near Stanton VA

Assisting with diagnostic evaluations and theraputic treatments in both ambulatory and hospital settings.

Description of Elective Experience:

Gain real-world experience working in a busy general practice. Learn how to balance finances and client expectations with providing the best possible quality medicine and outcomes. Gain experience tailoring treatment plans to abilities and needs of individual clients. Occasional house call euthanasia services.

Description of Elective Experience:

An opportunity to gain exposure to a wide range of cases in a private equine practice; provides opportunities for hands-on experience as well as case discussions with DVMs & LVTs.

Description of Elective Experience:

Multi-location, multi-doctor small animal practice. Exposure and instruction in out-patients, internal medicine, surgery, client and staff relations, and business administration.

Description of Elective Experience:

Equine Reproduction Concepts (ERC) offers a program whereby veterinary students are able to come to our facility and be exposed to various techniques and procedures dealing with stallion and mare reproductive management. Positions are available every year from March 1 through July 31 and are scheduled in 2, 4, or 6 week increments. Scheduling is structured with the intention that only a single participant is present at any one time in order to maximize theoretical and practical exposure.

The goal of this program is for participants to gain experience and a working knowledge of general and advanced equine reproductive management. Exposure will include reproductive management of mares utilizing palapation/ultrasonogrpahy, hormonal treatments, uterine infusions and lavages, cultures, cytologies and biopsies, artificial insemination with fresh, cooled and frozen semen, embryo recovery and transfer, and foaling. Stallion procedures consist of semen collection, evaluation, processing for immediate insemination, cooling, shipping, or freezing, reproductive evaluations, and stallion handling.

Participants will gain practical experience in palpation/ultrasonography, artificial insemination, semen collection, evaluation and processing for immediate insemination or cooling and stallion handling. Periodic sit-down sessions will occur whereby practitioners at ERC will discuss certain techniques and/or cases with the externs.

Desirable attributes of the participant: comfortable working with horses, basic understanding of reproductive physiology, desire to learn new reproductive techniques, work well with practitioners and staff.

Description of Elective Experience:

Student will participate in the daily clinical activities of a 100% exotic animal service.

Description of Elective Experience:

Coshocton Veterinary Clinic is a one doctor small animal general practice in rural Coshocton, Ohio.  

