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Description of Elective Experience:

Patient work ups, general well visits, surgery

Description of Elective Experience:

This is a Dairy Animal Welfare elective, in which students will learn about evaluating dairy farms with the Dean Foods Dairy Well Evaluation and the National FARM program. We will cover all aspects of dairy animal welfare in all age classes.

Description of Elective Experience:

Students will obtain real clinical experience during their 2 week externship. They will be shadowing the doctors in the exam rooms and performing physical exams. They will interpret diagnostic blood work and develop treatment plans with the doctors on duty.  Students will be assisting in dental and surgical procedures under doctor superision. Students will refine their skills in jugular blood draws and placement of IV catheters. 

Description of Elective Experience:

100% dairy practice specializing in all aspects of large dairy herd health. Focus in reproductive management, milk production and mastitis control, surgery and obstetrical cases.

Description of Elective Experience:

Exposure to all aspects of  a small animal practice including but not limited to medicine, surgery, management, organization, software management, client communication, staffing. 

Description of Elective Experience:

We strive to provide a positive working enviroment hoping the individuals on externships will become better diagnosticians , more knowledgeable surgeons, and have better communication skills to outline their treatment plans. I hope by providing a positive experience working at a veterinary hospital that once they become veterinarians they will reciprocate the gesture  to future veterinary students and veterinarians. You may contact a fellow OSU alumni regarding her experience with us, Adriana Garcia, Ph#956-579-9018 @ email

Description of Elective Experience:

We welcome 3rd and 4th year veterinary students to our progressive mixed animal practice in Hobbs, New Mexico.  Externships are available year-round.  Our practice is 90% small animals (mainly canine, feline, and some hand pets), and 10% large animals (equine and bovine). 

Student will have a hands-on experience, working alongside two staff veterinarians. Double J Animal Hospital offers more services than your regular general practice.  We have an in-house laboratory and pharmacy, digital radiographs, digital ultrasound, and a start of the art surgical suite and anesthesia monitoring equipment.  Specialty Orthopedic procedures offered are Arthrex Tightrope System, Interlocking Nail fracture repair system, Luxating Patellar repair, and a plate system. 

Description of Elective Experience:

While at the Veterinary Specialty Center of Seattle students will join case transfer rounds each morning as well as didactic house officer rounds on Tuesday mornings and grand rounds on Wednesday mornings.

On elective students will be scheduled to work with a single service each week of his or her rotation.  Specific duties will vary per service and at the discretion of the overseeing doctor.  Examples of common externship responsibilities: 1) Students will be asked to SOAP in-house patients and provide their assessments of patient condition and recommendations for further diagnostics or treatments and review these with the clinician of record. 2) Students will scrub in an assist in surgical procedures. 3) Students will examine new patients, discuss the case and then accompany senior doctors into the examination rooms to speak with clients. 4) Students will be asked to interpret blood work and imaging data reported during a patient's stay in the hospital and provide a modified assessment of the case and plan moving forward.

Description of Elective Experience:

The primary purpose of our proposed program is to provide a realistic learning experience for 4th year veterinary students.  The program is set up to run in 2 – 4 week blocks.  We currently operate four veterinary hospitals throughout the Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky region that offer small animal, mixed animal, large animal, and emergency services.  With the upcoming expansion of our main facility to a new 17,000 sq ft building, we are actively recruiting new and experienced veterinarians to join our team; and welcome to opportunity to provide mentorship or employment.  Furthermore, we are actively seeking mixed or large animal veterinarians to work at our satellite locations. Externs are encouraged to work primarily at the main location at Pet Wellness Center; however, if there is interest in large animal medicine, a rotation will be performed at our mixed animal facilities as well to obtain a well-rounded externship experience.

Description of Elective Experience:

Student will be exposed to all facets of day-to-day small animal general practice.  She will be with either myself or any of the other 3 full time DVM's while we navigate days of surgery (soft tissue, dentistry, etc.), medicine, etc.

