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Description of Elective Experience:

The elective experience will be split between two Pet Partners hospitals. Boone Animal Hospital is a progressive general practice that houses a surgeon in a suburb of Chicago, Western Springs.  City Pet Hospital was a feline only practice currently transitioning into a multi-pet small animal practice in the heart of downtown Chicago.  Both practices are Feline Friendly and Fear Free and have opportunity for routine wellness and complex medical case loads. City Pet has a large feline dental case load while Boone has a mix of feline and canine dental and surgical procedures.

Description of Elective Experience:

We are a 50/50 mixed animal clinic.  We are a general practice that practices basic medicine and surgery and focus on preventative medicine and also provide emergency.  Externship students are allowed to help with surgeries, practice palpation and ultrasound; help perform basic treatments; help with records and consultation.  

Description of Elective Experience:

The veterinary student would have the opportunity to work at this high volume small animal practice under the supervision of three practioners with over 75 years of clinical experience.  Students would have exposure to routine preventiative visits, medical cases, soft tissue surgery, digital x-ray, digital dental x-ray. ulta-sound, accupuncture, and on-site labratory services.  Students would have the opportunity to be fully engaged with all aspects of the patient care as well as client interactions.  

Description of Elective Experience:

The student will expand their knowledge in poultry production systems, in both broiler and turkeys. The student will aid in sample collection for disease monitoring, pre-processing, and general flock health evaluaitons. The student will be familarized with hatchery and plant processing and performance evaluations. 

Description of Elective Experience:

Our mixed animal practice would allow for a variety of farm call expericenes as well as seeing multiply large animals come into the hospital.  We have began working with the local animal shelter and could have it arranged to allow them to spay and neuter dogs and cats.  We are a 2 doctor practice that generates a large case load of small animals for well checks and preventive care as well as working up multiply patients each day.


Description of Elective Experience:

Student will pair with a doctor on staff for the day and will shadow in exam rooms and assist in surgeries.  Medical and surgical cases will be reviewed from history to outcome.  Student will interact with all staff members and with clients associated with any patient the student is involved with.  The experience will be as interactive and fully encompassing as possible.

Description of Elective Experience:

Students will participate in a one-week hands-on learning course at a small animal clinic and teaching facility learning about and practicing physical exams, basic anatomy and physiology, in-house diagnostics, diseases, preventative medicine and will assist in anesthesia and surgery of spay and neuter patients. Students will learn and practice aseptic technique and sterile gloving, anesthetic monitoring, catheter placement, drug dose calculations, and have several labs including suture patterns, heart necropsy, and more.

Students will also participate in a one-week volunteer experience at a world renowned elephant sanctuary,  They will learn about the plight of the Asian elephant, participate in volunteer activities aimed at improving their welfare, shadow veterinarians as they treat and provide care to elephants and many other species at the facility (horses, water buffalo, dogs, cats, avian species, etc), and have lessons on anatomy, physiology, ethics, and veterinary care.

Description of Elective Experience:

Students who participate in an elective at our facility will be given opportunities to learn about the various aspects of working in a large urban hospital.  The student will be working with the veterinarians on both outpatient and hospitalized patients, as well as surgical and rehabilitaton cases.  Ideally, a student will come away with an understanding of how to intergrate all of those areas in order to effectively treat their patient.  Also, students will gain some experience with the business aspects of a practice, from staffing to ordering of supplies, as well as some discussions about what to look for in their first job.

Description of Elective Experience:

Two week elective externing at our clinic.  Externs will be going into exam rooms with the DVM, going over diagnostic plans, reviewing charts, doing physical exams.

The extern will also be aiding in surgeries ie scrubbing in for soft tissue surgeries, evaluations and discussion of radiographs with dental cleanings

Description of Elective Experience:

This is the Small Animal Primary Care rotation for OSU students – a combination of medicine, general surgery, dentistry, and behavior. Currenty, students average about 42 spay/neuter surgeries per student, 45 medical exams per student, 8 hospitalized patients per student and 2 dental/oral surgery experiences per student.

