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Description of Elective Experience:

We try not to have more than one extern at a time ... but then again - some time there may be a little overlap - and that can actually make it interesting talking w/ students from other Vet Schools.  There is no formal application - we just would like to see a resume to get an idea of the students level of experience. We try to get the Externs as involved as possible.  They Shadow the DVM's where ever they like - i.e. during exams, help w/ treatments, help w/ Surgery - usually prepping & monitoring anesthesia ... we also board a lot of exotics - so there is an opportunity to help w/ those - which further exposes them to the care of the various bird, small mammal & reptile species we care for here at Animal House.  We try to post = necropsy all that pass away to learn - and the externs can help w/ that or do them w/ our help as / if needed ... so we try to give each as much experience as possible depending on their & our level of comfort and depending on the specific animal/case. We try to round every 2 weeks or so - plus there is a local exotic groups that meet every 2-3 months and the Zoo group that meets every 4 months - so the externs are welcome to those meetings as well. Unfortunately we are not able to offer any financial support nor any help w/ housing. Hope that this helps - all the best.

Description of Elective Experience:

Student will be expected to participate and interact with doctors, technicans, staff, owners and patients.

Student will be perfoming exams, formulating treatment plans, documenting using SOAP, under supervison of attending clinican.

Student will also have opportunity for surgery and dental activity.

Student will also have time to go on farm calls.

Description of Elective Experience:

The Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando offers regular appointments for the new pet owner. During this initial appointment, we will discuss the regular care, diet and husbandry of each species, their vaccinations (if needed), their need to be sterilized, and answer any other medical questions. In addition, for our clients we offer the following services:

  • We have regular appointments to address a particular concern/medical condition, and are able to hospitalize patients that require more intensive care and a medical work up.
  • We perform soft tissue, orthopedic and microsurgical procedures daily, as well as advanced dentistry, radiology, ultrasound, in-house diagnostic tests (blood work, urine analysis, fecal test, bacterial/fungal cultures and cytologies), laser therapy, water testing for aquatic species, and placement of microchips for identification.
  • We offer boarding for pets when their owners need to leave their homes and want expert care.
  • We carry food items, supplements, and accessories for small herbivores, birds and reptiles for your convenience.
Description of Elective Experience:

Golf Rose Animal Hospital is a 24-Hour Emergency/Critical Care and General Practice hospital, serving both small animals and “pocket pets”. Students on externship will work with one of our clinicians serving as a mentor (either during the day or emergency hours). This experience is geared towards a “docter-in-training” method and those involved will develop both medical and surgical skills that will aid them as future clinicians. Students will be allowed (but not limited to) to do the following  

1. Physical examinations, client communications (ie. taking history, triage)

2. Laboratory diagnostics: blood draws, practice using in-house laboratory equipment (ie. CBC/CHEM/UA)

3. Radiography, Ultrasound: interpreting radiographs/ultrasound, practice taking radiographs

4. Dispensing medications/discussing treatment plans with clinicians

5. Aiding clinicians in the surgical suite, performing surgical skills (ie. Spays, neuters, mass removals, dentals, etc)

Description of Elective Experience:

Why not share your love helping us assist low income owners with the neededpet care.   We are a charity veterinary office that provides care for the pets of low income, under employed, handicapped, military service anaimal and those on social security.  We seek a loving professional that seeks to improve the lives of owners and pet clients. 

Description of Elective Experience:

We are a 3 doctor general small animal practice with emphasis on dentistry and integrative medicine.

Students will be immersed in our every day appointments and surgeries.  We will help them hone their skills.

Description of Elective Experience:

The student will be required to assist in the everyday activities.  We will be doing routine small animal elective procedures, equine reproduction , dentistry and ambulatory services as well as equine lameness exams and radiographs.  It will probably include nerve blocks and  flexion tests.  It will probably include colic exams and suturing lacerated horses.  The day will start at 7:30am and end between 6 and 8 PM.

Description of Elective Experience:

Two week rotating externship. 

Description of Elective Experience:

Student would shadow one of the three veterinarians at Town and Country in all appointments, scrub into and aid in surgeries, and help to create and execute treatment plans. In the beginning of the externship the student will be largely responsible for shadowing and learning how the practice functions. As the 2 week program progresses the student will (if ability permits) begin to ‘lead’ appointments and take the lead in communicating with clients.

Description of Elective Experience:

Students gain surgical and clinical experience in a high-volume spay/neuter/wellness setting: seeing wellness visits and performing spay and neuter surgeries under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.  Everyone at PfA generally likes each other and gets along, even under stressful circumstances, and our externs seem to get a lot out of their experience with us.

