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Description of Elective Experience:

Pine Bush Equine is located in Orange County, New York, approximately 90 minutes north of NYC. There is a strong surgery caseload.  A board-certified university faculty surgeon visits 1-2 days each month for elective procedures. On these surgery days, up to 10 elective procedures are scheduled with additional specialty lameness evaluations.  The procedures are usually arthroscopies and airway surgeries, with an occasional fracture repair.  Additionally, there is one day each week set aside for more routine surgeries.  These commonly include the following: castrations (both routine and cryptorchid), neurectomies, umbilical hernia repairs, splint bone removals, enucleations, and mass removals.  Emergency surgeries are sent to a nearby referral center. There is the opportunity for the intern to follow a case to colic surgery at the referral hospital if the schedule permits.  A consulting internal medicine specialist travels to our hospital as needed.  Gastroscopies are routinely performed by our five veterinarians. Lameness workups and joint injections are scheduled nearly every day. At least 50% of our caseload is Standardbreds, both racehorses in training and breeding stock.  Additionally, we see a wide variety of sport horses including hunter/jumper, dressage, and reiners. Also included in our caseload is a portion of pleasure horses and family horses. Cases regularly involve all age groups, from foals to geriatrics. We are the primary veterinarians for the USDA NY Animal Import Center (one of only three import centers in the USA), which provides the opportunity to treat a large number of valuable sport horses and racehorses in quarantine from Europe. We also offer chiropractic and acupuncture for a variety of horses.

Externs are encouraged to learn and assist with procedures if they feel comfortable, and are encouraged to go on emergency calls after hours with the on call veterinarian.

Description of Elective Experience:

The University of Pennsylvania Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) is the administrative arm of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). As such, the OAW works with the IACUC to assure safety, maintenance, care and use of vertebrate animals for research purposes and to comply with federal, state, and local laws. The externship will provide an understanding of the various processes necessary for proper IACUC assessment and oversight of any activities conducted that have a direct impact on the well-being of animals. These include, but are not limited to, animal husbandry and veterinary care, University policies and procedures, personnel and program management and oversight, occupational health and safety, and IACUC functions. 

Description of Elective Experience:

The elective provides a well-rounded exposure to general veterinary practice, including wellness care, illnesses, routine surgery and dentistry, physical therapy, and more.

Description of Elective Experience:

Externs may participate or assist in Nuclear Scintigraphy, Digital Radiology, Advanced Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Lameness Exams, Sport Horse Treatments, Three day event competitions, ESWT therapy, documentation of exams, FES and MRI. Externs will be exposed to all phases of the practice and will assist veterinarians and technicians in the exams and procedures.

Description of Elective Experience:

Extensive hands on experience with one to four ambulatory equine veterinarians.  Experience will include all areas of equine veterinary medicine ranging from wellness to extensive lameness.

Description of Elective Experience:

The student will be offered the opportunity to participate in daily, cage side rounds between our emergency clinicians and the surgery and internal medicine specialists on-site.  A radiologist is also onsite and available on Thursdays / Fridays as well.  Case transfers, as well as scheduled appointments, will allow the opportunity for the student to review pertinent medical records, perform physical examinations, and have an active participatory role in discussing the patient’s diagnostic evaluation and treatment plan.  The student will be permitted to join the supervising clinician during appointments to observe conversations with clients.  Additionally, the student will also be permitted to listen during conversations discussed over the telephone.  While no primary case management will be permitted to the student, they will be actively engaged in the cases and communication with the clients.  They will also be able to observe communications and case consults provided to the referral partners. 

Description of Elective Experience:

Mostly observational externship of large equine only private practice

Description of Elective Experience:

Goals of the Externship: To provide a wide range of exposure to various aspects of equine practice; provide a safe, positive learning experience; provide opportunities to discuss cases and ask questions. Students in their final year who are considering applying for the internship should consider the externship as a working interview.

Description of Elective Experience:

Visiting students will function as one of the associate veterinarians at Millerstown Veterinary Associates.  Their activities will be under direct supervision by at least one licensed veterinarian. Duties will include standard appointments which will include preventive medicine as well as sick animals.  The expectation will be for students to experience a wide variety of cases from basic problems (e.g. otitis externa or allergies) to more extensive cases requiring medical work up.  In addition, students will be expected to participate in small animal surgeries.  The highest case load will be for spay and neuter surgeries and dentistries.  Less predictably, there may be opportunity to participate in other surgeries such as lump removals, abdominal exploratories, cystotomies and orthopedic procedures.

Description of Elective Experience:



This is a very incomplete list of things that you may encounter and do while externing at LVS.  Your ability to perform some of these tasks depends upon where you are in your education and our comfort level with your skills.  Not every extern will be taught the same skills or have the same experience in our clinic.  We will endeavor to enhance your education to the best of our abilities.

1. Bovine Skills

Do a complete physical exam and make a diagnosis of common cattle diseases

Palpate a non-pregnant uterus and ovaries

Palpate a late pregnant cow

Interpret a reproductive ultrasound

Give IV fluids, IM shot, draw blood from tail vein

Infuse a cow

Drench a cow

Give oral bolus/magnet

Be able to diagnose a DA

Block for a DA and suture it

Identify and treat foot abscess in cow

Block calves for dehorning

Dehorn calves (burn and also larger ones to cut)

Take a non contaminated sample for mastitis

Milk culture and identify common pathogens

Identify and assist with untwisting uterine torsion



Assist with calving

Necropsy with correct sampling

Assist with prolapsed uterus

    2. Medical Knowledge                                     

-Take a medical history                                  

-Estimate weight                                            

-Interpret a hemogram (CBC)                        

-Interpret a serum biochemical profile           

-Develop a vaccination strategy                     

-Recognize and treat pain                                                                   -

-Estimate degree of dehydration and develop an appropriate treatment plan 

     3. Techniques

-Administer medication PO (paste)

-Perform jugular venipuncture

-Demonstrate use of hoof teste

-Use a refractometer to determine total plasma protein concentration

 -Pass a nasogastric tube  

-Administer liquid medication with a nasogastric tube

-Administer a SC injection (medication and fluids)

-Administer an IM injection

-Administer an IV injection                                           

-Place and secure a catheter in the jugular vein

-Perform and interpret a test for measuring IgG concentration in foals

-Administer an enema

-Flush a nasolacrimal duct

-Perform a Gram stain

- Perform a quantitative fecal floatation        

      4. Examination                                                      

-Perform a physical examination on an adult horse                                                   

-Auscult and interpret respiratory sounds               -

-Perform fluorescein staining of the cornea   

-Auscult and interpret gastrointestinal sounds                                                           -

-Perform a post-foaling examination             

-Perform a skin scraping

-Aspirate a mass                                             

     5. Anesthesia

-Sedate an adult horse           

-Perform a line block for local anesthesia

-Examine the retina                                        

-Sedate a foal                                     

-Monitor the depth of anesthesia

     6. Reproduction

-Place a tail wrap on a mare

-Rectal palpation for late-stage

-Rectal palpation for mid-stage pregnancy

-Examine the cervix with a vaginal speculum

-Obtain a uterine sample for culture  

-Perform a caslick operation                 

     7. Husbandry Techniques

-Apply a halter

-Tie a quick release knot

-Restrain a foal

-Apply a tail tie

-Apply a lip twitch

-Approach, capture, and attach a halter and lead                                                    

-Elevate a hind limb

-Elevate a forelimb

     8. Surgery                                                       

-Apply a wound dressing                               

-Apply a bandage to a limb                            

-Apply a bandage to a foot                            

-Remove sutures and staples from a healed surgical wound                                     

-Clean and debride a wound                         

-Suture proficiently                        

-Perform hemostasis; isolate, clamp, and use hand and instrument ties to ligate a bleeding vessel       

-Demonstrate proper postoperative patient care including wound evaluation                

-Properly prepare and sterilize a surgical pack                                                           

-Place a drain into a soft tissue lesion (e.g. abscess)

-Identify and treat a foot abscess

     9. Client Education and Regulatory

-Complete a health certificate

-Explain proper healthy animal nutrition

-Write clear instructions in lay terminology                                       

-Explain gastrointestinal parasite identification, treatment and prevention

-Explain medical conditions to a client clearly and concisely in an understandable manner

     10. Dentistry                                                                   

-Perform a thorough oral exam

-Estimate age from dentition

-Float teeth with a Powerfloat                                               

-Remove wolf teeth





