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Description of Elective Experience:

The student will be provided with a realistic equine ambulatory medicine environment. Student will work all hours the ambulatory veterinarian works, and ride around in the truck. Student will assist with all treatments, procedures, diagnostics that are required. Students will eagerly participate in discussions regarding cases and develop their own diagnostic and treatment plans. 

Description of Elective Experience:

The student will be immersed directly into our culture and with our clients & patients at Animal Hospital of Shawnee Hills. He/she will receive hands-on, real-world training. Technical skills and interpersonal skills will be put to the test in order for students to learn and gain confidence moving forward in their careers as DVMs. The student will be directly supervised by one of our 3 DVMs.  Under stupervision, the student will gain experience in the following areas:

  • Gathering & interpreting patient history
  • Performing physical exams
  • Wellness, ill & emergency patient management
  • Short term & Long-term medical case management
  • Hands-on use of diagnistic tools
  • Guided interpretation of results
  • Surigcal preparationg/monitoring & scrub into surgery
  • Proper communcation through follow-up calls with clients
  • Learn what it means to practice big city medicine in a small town atmosphere



Description of Elective Experience:

SICSA Pet Adoption Center is committed to our mission of  "Promoting the welfare and adoption of companion animals, and nurturing loving, lifelong relationships between animals and people."

We run a robust adoption program for dogs and cats, adopting more than 1600 pets annually. We offer our pet’s medical care, enrichment and behavior modification during their stay at our facility. We support humane educational programs for children, teens and adults as a way to promote better treatment of pets in our community. Our clinic spays and neuters over 4,000 pets annually both for publicly owned pets and SICSA adoptable pets. We are dedicated to helping pets stay in their current homes and offer multiple intake diversion programs including medical care, behavioral support and short term housing for pets. 

Description of Elective Experience:

Opportunity to participate in medical and surgical cases including preventative medicine visits, simple and complicated medical problems and workups, preforming basic surgical procedures such as OHE and neuters, participating with veterinarians on more advanced surgeries, performiing dental propylactic cleaning and radiographs and participating in extractions

Description of Elective Experience:

Throughout the duration of the candidates experience at Healthy Pets, we plan on providing them exposure to the fast paced environment of the small animal practice field.  We plan on establishing goals to include experience in exam rooms with dogs, cats, pocket pets, reptiles and birds, as well as a multitude of surgical procedures.  The candidate will be expected to participate in communicating effectively with our clients, devising a medication protocol for our patients, scrubbing in for surgical procedures, and discussing the financial aspects, business overhead and the transaction reports of our hospital.

Description of Elective Experience:

Students performing elective rotations with Canine Companions for Independence will have the opportunity to assist in a broad numbers of tasks,  including: phycial exams, development of treatment plans, administering medical care, imaging studies, dentistry and surgery. In addition, they will have the opportunity to learn about reproduction, including timing of estrous cycles, facilitating dog breedings, semen evaluation and storage, pregnancy detection and assistance with whelping and neonatal puppy care. 

Description of Elective Experience:

The student would spend part of the time riding with a large animal veterinarian and part of the time in the small animal hospital.  Students would be exposed to dairy production medicine on small (<50 cow) Amish diaries and organic diaries to large (>1500 cow) family run dairies.  Clients also include pleasure horses, families, goats and few swine. The small animal hospital caters to dogs and cats. Students would be exposed to dental radiology, digital radiology, and general small animal practice as well as surgery.  Surgeries range from spats and Reuters to amputation, enucleation, and abdominal exploration.

Description of Elective Experience:

BVSC is a busy referral private practice and offers clinical exposure to the diagnosis and treatment of surgical and medical diseases in the small animal patient. We have a strong focus in oncology with a specialist surgical oncologist and specialist radiation oncologist. During this rotation, the student will practice history taking, physical and physical examinations, and establish competence in the care, diagnosis and treatment of small animal diseases. Students will have hands-on experience while assisting in surgery and during some medical procedures. Specialities: Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Internal Medicine, Radiation Therapy, Ophtalmology, Dentistry.

Description of Elective Experience:

General Practice DVM seeing appointments 3 days, with a Surgery DVM 5 days, with an Urgent Care DVM seeing appointments 2 days.

Description of Elective Experience:

Student will participate in gross necropsy and histopathology of laboratory animals submitted to the Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources under the direct supervision of board certified staff veterinary pathologists.

Student will participate in weekly histopathology slide conferences.

